The Third Way
ThirdWay Capital invests to achieve complete returns. We project market-related returns for our investors because we invest in businesses that are positioned to create significant value that can be sustained over time: contributing to, rather than extracting from, people and the planet.
The Third Way
Who We Are
We are a venture holding company that invests in growth-ready SME’s (Small-Medium Enterprises) that are shaping the African story. We deliver complete returns – financial and societal.
African SME’s provide 80% of African jobs, and are the key to building a vibrant economy on the continent. However, SME’s continue to remain under-funded, with limited access to affordable growth capital, resulting in the ‘missing middle’.
Africa has a large, young workforce, a rapidly growing consumer class, and represents a massive market in global terms. Yet because Africa remains opaque to investors, capital flow into the region tends towards large investments that offer quick exits. All this hampers the SME sector.
ThirdWay Capital bridges this gap, providing experienced, boots-on-the-ground intelligence to guide investments, and strategic capital and advisory support to SME founders who have proven their ability to grow businesses that demonstrate the readiness to transform socio-economic systems at scale.

What We Do
We resource strong growth, high impact SME’s in Africa
We generate complete returns for all stakeholders
We leverage international and regional experience
We catalyze transformative business practices
We focus on key areas of systems change, not sectors
Target Impacts
Job Creation/Employment
Permanent employment drives multiple dimensions of family and community well-being.
Social Capital
The ability of once-marginalized individuals and communities to exercise economic agency.
Sustainable Value Chains
The potential of the business to generate or accelerate a scalable business ecosystem that contributes to a sustainable economy.
Consumer & Societal Value
The innovation of products and services that contribute to human flourishing in a healthy environment.
Resource Stewardship
SMEs with business operations characterized by disciplined resource management.